I Chang'Min have to inform people who visit this blog that Kiva will no longer be able to write or keep her activities going until further notice she has been informed of important news of her family who are lost in Japan after the earthquake Our hearts go out to her and my deepest Hope go to her I hope one day she will return to us please give your condolences and hopes.
~Chang'Min, Yun, Hunny Yummy Bunny & Jea~

Welcome! 안녕 (annyeong)! Kangei (subeki)!

Welcome! 안녕 (annyeong)! Kangei (subeki)!
This is your one stop place for everything Korean and Japanese Fanfic-wise there will be download only fanfics as well as requests, and custom wallpapers, if you would like your name in one of our Fanfics just follow us and email us at


Quote of the month!

"I am only Invisible because people refuse to see me!"

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Alright so now you guys should be familiar with the Kiva + Changmin post i had posted so now i have to let everyone know that it was a fools joke though i feel bad for Kiva she truly loves him *SAD* but well it was part of a new fanfic we are (we were) working on we will be posting a sneak peak of the fanfic on here so keep your eyes peeled (we must talk with Kiva IF she comes back XD)

we here at KoreaneseFanfics wish to say sorry to Kiva and Changmin and Yunho!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Sorry So Sorry!

Okies firstly I'd like to point out that I (Kiva Yamamoto) DO NOT IN ANY WAY KNOW CHANG'MIN SHIM (though I'd love to) so when I find out that one of the people who I gave this blog to look after posting things saying that Chang'min and I are dating it upset me and I needed to set things right!
I AM NOT IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH CHANG'MIN SHIM OR ANYONE (I dont seem to fit with anyone XD) So please could all those people who keep emailing me asking me things please stop and think it through cos I mean why would someone as AMAZING as Chang'min be even the slightest interested in someone like me (I am pretty much an outsider to everyone and everywhere ONLY because I play badminton and I am opinionated, compassionate, Polite, caring, pretty much every nice word you can think of I am!)
So please stop with the threats I do not need them right now!!
But I must say ONE thing I AM IN LOVE WITH HIM (though I would love to tell him)
So this will be my last post in awhile whilst I volunteer my life for helping my friends and others in Japan!